Wireless Communication & Equipment The Portfolio Action Tracker (PAT) is a transparency tool that can be used to monitor and review the real-time status of NASPO ValuePoint portfolios. Click here to view Status

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New Wireless Voice, Data and Accessories contracts have been executed by the State of Utah to replace the below current Wireless Communication and Equipment contracts. Nevada is extending the current contracts through March 31, 2021, to allow states time to complete the Participating Addendum process for the new Master Agreements. No new Participating Addenda may be executed under the current Nevada contracts; all new Participating Addenda should be executed under the new Utah contracts.

Participating Addenda (0)

Download Participating Addenda

    Lead State

    • Nevada
      Teri Becker
      [email protected]
    • Awarded:
    • Expiration:
    • Renewals Limit:

    NASPO Resources

    • Cooperative Portfolio Manager
    • Supplier Engagement Manager
